This post is only for you my little tigress!! Not now, but may be 10 years down the line, you may relate to what I am feeling and what I want to convey here.
On your third birthday, I want to wish you all the happiness and love that you deserve. This is the first time, your Baba isn't celebrating it with you and as I am away from you, sitting alone thousands of miles away from you, it's time to reflect on our journey together so far!! Also, when I am away from you, the distance doesn't really matter honey, even if it's just a few miles or light years distance, when we are apart, we are apart and I cannot hug you tightly in my arms, cannot make you sit on my lap and play many of our favorite games together or cannot tell you the bed time stories. I am really good at story telling, ain't I? your mumma is so jealous of me as this is one forte I own.
Anyway, as I look back, I recall the day and exact time of your arrival. It was 22nd Feb 2012 and it was a bright sunny day and how can it be cloudy when you decided to walk into our lives? We woke up early and reached hospital on time. The doctor took your mumma to the Chamber of Miracles, though, doctors call it as Operation Theater, I prefer to call it as Chamber of Miracles. After around half an hour, at exact 9:15, we heard your first attempts to kick start your lungs and you did a marvelous job there sweetheart!!
Since then, you have always been a source of learning for us. Your mom and I have learned a lot from you. We have given our everything to be good parents and I know there are thousand of things, where we could have done better but I just want you to know that we have tried and still learning the art and with you as our teacher, I am sure, we shall not be worried too much.
You have always been ahead of the things and learned most of the things, without bothering us. You first flipped and crawled and walked ahead of the schedule. Even when you were sick, you never made fuss about it and never threw any tantrums.
When you completed your first year, your grandparents threw a big party and you were so happy to see all your loved ones together. You ran, danced and had loads of fun till you were tired and went to sleep. You looked like a fairy in that red frock of yours. Your mom's fashion sense is much better than mine. So, when you grow up and want to thank us for your beautiful pics, just thank her for the clothes selection or if you think otherwise, you know whom to blame here?
In your second year, you were already in your trouble-two phase. With all that extra energy, you were famous for running tirelessly in the society compound, however, your extra love for the children of your age and even for younger ones wasn't going too well for many.
Most of the times, we were laughing with you but I won't lie that at times, both I and your mumma felt like pulling our hair. We stopped late-night parties, going to movies, going out for lunch or dinners and at times, we missed all that fun and this two year period transformed us from a fun-loving couple to matured parents. However, you made sure that the fun we missed outside should be compensated with fun at home. And you did a great job at it, my little tigress!!
We celebrated your second birthday in Pune and it was great fun and you were so excited to see the Chota-Bheem Cake and your new glittering Blue dress. Again, your mom did a pretty good job in selecting your clothes. But you can thank me for driving her around the whole city to get that dress.
In your third year, you also had gone through a lot along with me and your mom. You have seen the strongest man in your life to go frail and weak. I remember the times when you were so frustrated with all these restrictions of not disturbing me and tried to jump on my weakened limbs. Everyone scolded you and even I was also afraid when you ran towards me for a hug. It was tough time for both of us and I thank god that we saw those tough times through!! Everything turned normal as we had clung to our faith and love. And you started your school and after first traumatic month, you were enjoying the fun at school. You learned almost all the rhymes, your increased your sense of colors and learned many new objects everyday. We are already so proud of you and assure you that whatever you wish to do with your life, we will be there with you.
As today is your third birthday and I am so far away from you since past 40 days, I would like you to have great fun and want you to don't miss me at all. I know, it won't be long before we meet again and your grandparents and mom has already made sure that you get all the present that you had asked for. So, have fun out there, do all the pranks that you are so famous for. God bless you honey!!
Someday, I will tell you, why I call you my little tigress more and my little princess less?

Anyway, as I look back, I recall the day and exact time of your arrival. It was 22nd Feb 2012 and it was a bright sunny day and how can it be cloudy when you decided to walk into our lives? We woke up early and reached hospital on time. The doctor took your mumma to the Chamber of Miracles, though, doctors call it as Operation Theater, I prefer to call it as Chamber of Miracles. After around half an hour, at exact 9:15, we heard your first attempts to kick start your lungs and you did a marvelous job there sweetheart!!
Since then, you have always been a source of learning for us. Your mom and I have learned a lot from you. We have given our everything to be good parents and I know there are thousand of things, where we could have done better but I just want you to know that we have tried and still learning the art and with you as our teacher, I am sure, we shall not be worried too much.
You have always been ahead of the things and learned most of the things, without bothering us. You first flipped and crawled and walked ahead of the schedule. Even when you were sick, you never made fuss about it and never threw any tantrums.
When you completed your first year, your grandparents threw a big party and you were so happy to see all your loved ones together. You ran, danced and had loads of fun till you were tired and went to sleep. You looked like a fairy in that red frock of yours. Your mom's fashion sense is much better than mine. So, when you grow up and want to thank us for your beautiful pics, just thank her for the clothes selection or if you think otherwise, you know whom to blame here?
In your second year, you were already in your trouble-two phase. With all that extra energy, you were famous for running tirelessly in the society compound, however, your extra love for the children of your age and even for younger ones wasn't going too well for many.
Most of the times, we were laughing with you but I won't lie that at times, both I and your mumma felt like pulling our hair. We stopped late-night parties, going to movies, going out for lunch or dinners and at times, we missed all that fun and this two year period transformed us from a fun-loving couple to matured parents. However, you made sure that the fun we missed outside should be compensated with fun at home. And you did a great job at it, my little tigress!!
We celebrated your second birthday in Pune and it was great fun and you were so excited to see the Chota-Bheem Cake and your new glittering Blue dress. Again, your mom did a pretty good job in selecting your clothes. But you can thank me for driving her around the whole city to get that dress.
In your third year, you also had gone through a lot along with me and your mom. You have seen the strongest man in your life to go frail and weak. I remember the times when you were so frustrated with all these restrictions of not disturbing me and tried to jump on my weakened limbs. Everyone scolded you and even I was also afraid when you ran towards me for a hug. It was tough time for both of us and I thank god that we saw those tough times through!! Everything turned normal as we had clung to our faith and love. And you started your school and after first traumatic month, you were enjoying the fun at school. You learned almost all the rhymes, your increased your sense of colors and learned many new objects everyday. We are already so proud of you and assure you that whatever you wish to do with your life, we will be there with you.
As today is your third birthday and I am so far away from you since past 40 days, I would like you to have great fun and want you to don't miss me at all. I know, it won't be long before we meet again and your grandparents and mom has already made sure that you get all the present that you had asked for. So, have fun out there, do all the pranks that you are so famous for. God bless you honey!!
Someday, I will tell you, why I call you my little tigress more and my little princess less?