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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The home coming!!

This one is again coming a bit late :-( , well, these days, they all do. It has become a habit now. I go through an experience, it takes a little while to absorb the enormity of the situation and then I can churn out a few words on it.
I arrived in India on 1st July, spent few sleepy hours in the waiting room of New Delhi Railway Station, boarded the first train in the morning to reach Gwalior and spent three full days there. Though the heat was shouting in my face, you got to be kidding by thinking of going out and visiting places, I did met most of my folks. After my marriage, it was a first visit to their places and they were happy to see me and my shrimatiji together.
I left for bangalore on 5th july and joined the office next day. I would be lying if I say I am all too excited to be in India. Certainly, it has a few good points to see friendly faces around you but at times, I wonder, how the nomads used to live out of their suitcases.
Everyday, gettting ready for office feels tougher than scaling the snow clad peaks of Himalayas. My manager pointed out, nice formals but your black leather belt doesn't go well with your tan colored shoes. I said I know but I am living out of my suitcase, my entire world has been zipped to fit into my Delsy-Strolly. Sometimes, I wonder, will I ever settle down at a place to lead a normal life. So, the homecoming can never make you feel bad , it's just the thought of leaving again that unsettles me.


Genie said...

yeah true, the thought of leaving again hinders the joyful time we have in our hands.....but again all this is also in your hands...i mean the choice !

keep writing !

sid said...


yes, i guess the choice is always there. However, few things should just be left for time to handle