Do you Heart, too?

Monday, March 14, 2011

International Women's Day

She clinched the bedsheets with her fists, she kicked the bed with her feet, the pain was excruciating and all the means to alleviate the suffering were diminishing. Her eyes were looking as if they had lost the battle of life and were in some kind of trans. Just when the hope has booked a ticket to travel to another world, things started to get better.
Suddenly a cry baby, crying as if he has lost millions in the stocks, arrived in this world. I am sorry to use HE, to refer to the newly born baby, apologies for acting as a male chauvinistic pig (MCP) and all my MCP instincts were rightly slapped in the face by this story teller's more rational mind. It was a girl !!!! The one who brought this little fairy into this world was a little apprehensive as she looked around to find a glimmer of hope but sadly there was none.
She frantically looked at the pillar of her life, her husband, and this pillar was already shaking as if it has been hit by a Tsunami even larger than the one wreaking havoc in Japan. To her dismay, no one asked her if she was well after bearing so much of pain. No one massaged her hairs to comfort her and congratulate her on doing such a pious things by bringing a life into this world.
The so-called-wiser people of the village gathered to be the partners-in-the-crime. There was no doubt in their minds, the only confusion was about the method. They thought, burying the little curse deep down in the cemetery would be apt and it will be less painful as well. They pulled away the baby from the arms of the crying mother and started walking.
They didn't talk too much amongst them as the little baby cried for little mercy. She was minuscule but had the strength of a goddess and she mustered all the courage and strength and unknowingly grasped the little finger of his father. His father felt a sudden burst of rage and threw her in the pit. The pit was dutifully covered and they walked off as if nothing has happened.
A dog with innumerable licks whose lives dependent on the four-legged creature, walked towards the newly created grave and started digging it. A few minutes later, he found a corpse with no life left in it. He jumped on the body and bend his head to take a closer look. Still, perturbed by the sequence of events, he took his tongue out and cleaned the mud from the face of the baby. The little goddess must have been waiting to see this hidden humanity in the cage of an animal's body. she grabbed the dog's ear and pulled it off. The dog was taken aback and started barking. He barked in the cemetery, no one heard him, he barked in the main market, still no one heard him. Then he thought of doing something on his own. Again, I really don't know if it was a male dog but the caring nature and the zeal to save a life does qualify for female characteristics. Anyways, the dog grabbed the white robbed in which the baby was wrapped and started running towards the market place.
I am not sure how the things would have ended up but one thing I am assured of is that the baby won't die. I f she had to die, she would have died in that little cozy grave or she would have died seeing the hatred in the eyes of her loved ones. She will definitely survive and I hope she spreads happiness into the lives of millions. Isn't it what women are best at doing, Spreading happiness!!


Devendra Dhakad said...

Nice thoughts ! You have painted a dark reality but it ended with hope!
Liked it!

sid said...

Thanks DD!! Everything rests on hope.