Do you Heart, too?

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Anticipation, Tiring yet Tempting

There is something very innate in the heart of every human being that it keeps on anticipating the good things that the future promises to hold for us.
Showing a dumb and blank face to the teachings of our holy book GITA, we keep on anticipating. No matter, what the end result turns out to be, anticipation keeps us on our toes. Even when the odds are against us, its just that tiny little ray of hope that makes us to do all that we can possibly do to turn the tide in our favour.
We sulk, we crib, we even go on to the extent of passing a judgement that this whole world is so damn unfair. However, somewhere in the darkest corner of our persona, there is always a hidden hope. Over the ages, several adages have been coined to keep the act of anticipation alive. "Every dog has its own day", "Light at the end of the tunnel", "Were it not for hope the heart would break" and several others reflect the conscious effort of the entire mankind to keep the hope or the behavior of anticipation alive with in us.
I agree that sometimes, we fail and repent the day we started to anticipate that particular thing. However, wouldn't we all be Saints of Himalayas if we eschew all the worldly pleasures including hope and live as if nothing could make or break us.  Imagine if two saints who live in the neighbourhood are having a chat.
Saint1: How are you Saint2?
Saint2: Oh, I am extremely happy, I was just looking after my kid while my wife was doing daily chores and my kid just ironed my dog, so he is not well, no no he actually died and my wife has beaten me up for being so careless. And, Saint2 has all the joy of the world on his face while saying this.
So, to maintain the order of the world, let's not try to be saints, let's try to be humans and let's keep anticipating.

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