Monday, December 14, 2009
Initial Tantrums
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Chocolate Swiss Roll
We all know that Ignorance is a bliss and I am a firm believer of this adage. However, in a few funny siutations, ignorance can be a bliss to the surrounding people as well.
In the initial days of our supposed to be midnight-oil-burning years, four of us (Me, Bhargava, Nikhil and Sahai) planned to go to delhi and invited ourselves to a friend's place. As the friend was from Delhi and he had 4 long boring years ahead of him which he has to unwillingly spend at Gwalior, he decided to be our host.
He proved to be a really good host as he not only gave us his knowledgable company and showed us various places in delhi but also treated us with finger-licking delicacies which delhi as a city has to offer. So, THE incident happened in the one of the most happening places, I have ever seen in my life till that point of time. The scene was supposed to take place at a Baker's shop at Connaught Place(CP).
The setting was perfect and we were just slacking off after a tiring day of doing nothing. All of us have slept like bears of-course without the botch. So, we decided to hit the CP and do some shopping, as if we had our swiss coffers overflowing with money.
After running from one shop to another and haggling for measly bargains, we decided to treat ourselves with some pasteries. As we all were having limited amount of words at our disposal as far as English language was concerned, we decided to say the name that we all loved most, Black Forest Pastry. See, Easy to say, Good to eat, what else one can ask for. However, Nikhil had some other plans. On that particular day, he had the mindset of a fiyadeen and decided to blow himself out. He was curiously looking at a pastry which had chocolate overflowing from its sides. The name of the mouth watering thing was Chocolate Swiss Roll. I jumped in to advise him on the blunder he was about to commit.
I asked , Boss, will you be able to say this name. He said, why not, I should at least try else how will I ever learn.
I nodded with my head swinging like a upside-down pendulum and made my way to visitor's gallery to watch this epic incident. Nikhil wavered but looked determined, he slowly but surely moved to the counter and ordered, I want Chocolate.
See, it's not that difficult to say. But I think he missed something. The clerk at the counter said, Pardon, what did you say? Now, everything went out of gear and this poor chap mumbled a few words which are still ringing in my ears, Chik-Su-Roll...
What's that? The clerck beamed and gave a dirty look at him. Suddenly, Mr. Delhi appeared from nowhere and said, he needs Choco Swiss Roll. Can't you get it? The rudeness of that guy at counter diminished a bit and he gave the much coveted pastry to my friend.
Though, this has been one of the most hillarious episides in my college life but it still taught a great lesson to me. The man with biggest heart is the man who can laugh at himself. Such is the character of my dear friend Nikhil that he done two good deeds in a single go. The first being, the courage to try something new and then laughing at his own mistake. We still laugh at that incident and shout like monkeys , Give me a Chick-Su, Give me a Chick-Su.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
A helpless constable
As a dog cannot travel in the sleeper class and has to be locked in the guard's compartment, Me and my brother thought of taking this responsibility in shifts. Naughty growled when I tried to push him in the cage. The cage was a small room where even a full grown male can be stuffed into.
so, my poor little naughty tried to put up a fight and tried all mean to avoid the humiliation that I was forcing him to go through. I had to repent my decision as it took me almost a week after that to reconcile with him.
So, when all the means failed, the cute little creature resigned and entered into cage. So, in that little dingy guard's compartment, I was sitting there with naughty and a guard and a railway police constable. The constable in his mid fifties was explaining in detail, the terror a local dacoit has in the area through which the train was passing through. He was feeling very lucky that he was still alive after having a close encounter with the dacoit's gang.
He narrated the entire incident where the train was looted and people were beaten as they tried to hide their valuables, he thanked to the almighty that no one was killed btu felt sorry about a young man who tried to hide his wallet and was beaten up very badly.
The train was giving a great background score and the wild barren lands outside the window were creating the perfect atmosphere for eulogizing the legends of the greatest dacoit ever walked on this planet. This whole magical scene created by the underpaid and ill-equipped constable was disturberd by another underpaid but well-equipped-for-job person "Guard". He asked innocently, what will you do if this dacoit attacks this train, will you save the people.
This question somehow perplexed the cop and he opened his paraphernalia. He showed his little bamboo stick which people call laathi, he showed his whistle, his log book and his various other official douments which he has to fill in case he has to take action against anybody or has to report it to local rail police authorities. Instead of replying to Guard's question, he blatantly asked him to advise, what should a cop do without proper training and equipments. He had no shame in accepting that he will simply run for his life if any dacoit attack happens.
Before this incident, my outlook towards police department was same as the outlook held by most of people around me. However, after listening to this story from this ramshackled old cop, I couldn't agree more with him. For the first time in my life, I was having a soft corner for the very department which has been projected as the devil of our society.
I asked him, Isn't there any govt. plans for overhauling the system. He got even more confused and asked me if that means to stop the corruption. I said, yes but no, not just corruption but also the training and providing proper arms and ammunition, better intelligence and better salary.
He was able to catch hold of the last word salary and said, yes there was some plan in some pay commission but it was put on the backburner and never got implemented. However, he candidly accepted his ignorance on other points and said, we the lowest level guys never know and uttered a few north indian bad-word-delicacies for his bosses. He then went on to narrate the ill-effects of his service on his personal life.
I avoided to probe him further because as we say in our society, With police, it's better to be at an arm's distance with them. The cop kept blabbering, No-money , No-respect and No-self-satisfaction, this is the summary of a cop's life.
I took a look at the cage in which my naughty was sitting near the bars and even he was feeling pity after hearing the sad story of the person who was assigned with the responsibility of serving and caring for an entire train full of humans.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
खेल के मैदान
सूने सपाट खेल के मैदानों में बच्चे मुझको चंद दिखे।
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friendship.. Part1
His young and moronic philosophic nature was unable to understand the motives of his family by forcing him to go to school.
Suddenly, a 5th grade senior pushed his face on the window and twisted his ear to prove his clout to his select group of sycophants. Joy had no choice but to leave the seat. Suddenly, he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder, he turned to find a lanky boy 'Deep' standing there with his nostrils fuming.
Deep asked him, do you want to hit him? Joy: he is much stronger than I am. Deep: Still, it's worth trying!! Quite an adacious idea deep but No. Deep turned away from him and said, Now see this and lent a full blooded Rocky Balboa style left hook to the chubby face of the ill manner 5th grader. This was unexpected and the victim was lying on the floor with his nose bleeding.
Deep was sure that hard times were lying ahead and he has to go through the ordeal of listening to parent's rebuke and his name is going to be in the very bad books of the principal. Still, he was smiling and whispered in Joy's ear. Someday, try this out and you will love it. Attack first and attack hard.
Whoaa, Joy had an eventful day today. He was still shaking but certainly felt cuddled by this lanky little boy. Who knew, they were going to be part of a legend!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Day by Day, we loose it?

Looking at this calendar that has become part of my daily schedule, I wonder what life will be after a few years if I follow the same schedule.
Am I loosing touch with my folks? certainly not as I love all of them so much and they reciprocate the same. However, it constantly itches me that I am loosing the best years of my life in the worst possible way!! Anyways, time for another meeting.. Ciao
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Zoya Factor- A Review
The character potrayed are so weak and fickle that they fail to grab your attention. They contradict their own set of beliefs that you keep forgetting the initial nature of the character potrayed.
The reader can easily loose interest at any point of time unless he have the patience and ability to handle the low quality of literature served to him. The overdose of foul language (though necessary at times) bores you and looses the punch which authors like Shobha Dey delivers at crucial points.
The author in her first attempt at writing, has ignored a few basic fundamentals that every good novel have, it's the lack of details. The details about each character, the details about the crucial matches that team India plays and many more scenarios where she could have mesmerized the readers with her words are missing.
In short, this story is about a girl who is considered lucky for her country's cricket team and this becomes the hottest talking point of the cricketing community which has its side-effects on her private life which remain no more private. In the end, I will leave it up to reader's own wish to risk 300 odd rupees and a week's times on that book. In my humble opinion, it's a must-not-read kind of book.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Life @ full throttle
I always see a true reflection of my life in the system which our society has adopted. I always have a long list of things to do and almost all the time, I miss all the items which I prioritize. So, it was quite a fulfilling experience when I did most of them which I had prioritized in past 4 months or so. I have been an excellent planner and a pathetic implementer and I have no qualms in accepting that I always end up doing worthless things which eat up major chunk of my time. However, this time around life has forced me to do only the most important things and compelled me to ignore the worthless items which I wanted to do.
It was like a fight-for-survival kind of situation. If someone hits your eye, your brain doesn't think about poetry or the latest SRK movie, all it thinks is to close the eye with a hand to minimize the impact. Well, imagine such Mind-Eye-Coordination going on for a month or so and sometimes I had to stop to catch a breath and I would be lying if I deny that I loved every second of it. Life is still in top gear if not at top speed but am staring hard down at the earth, panting and slowly but surely murmering, Let's do it again!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The home coming!!
I arrived in India on 1st July, spent few sleepy hours in the waiting room of New Delhi Railway Station, boarded the first train in the morning to reach Gwalior and spent three full days there. Though the heat was shouting in my face, you got to be kidding by thinking of going out and visiting places, I did met most of my folks. After my marriage, it was a first visit to their places and they were happy to see me and my shrimatiji together.
I left for bangalore on 5th july and joined the office next day. I would be lying if I say I am all too excited to be in India. Certainly, it has a few good points to see friendly faces around you but at times, I wonder, how the nomads used to live out of their suitcases.
Everyday, gettting ready for office feels tougher than scaling the snow clad peaks of Himalayas. My manager pointed out, nice formals but your black leather belt doesn't go well with your tan colored shoes. I said I know but I am living out of my suitcase, my entire world has been zipped to fit into my Delsy-Strolly. Sometimes, I wonder, will I ever settle down at a place to lead a normal life. So, the homecoming can never make you feel bad , it's just the thought of leaving again that unsettles me.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
He is a quiet man
However, here I see a similar bubble of frustration just behind my back. I see a very quiet man who gets vocal only when he speaks on phone. He has his own share of issues and whoever is sitting close to him and has a decent enough knowledge of hindi and english is completely aware of his personal problems.
I have already taken a cue and always work with my eyes and ears open, just in case, I need to show my athelitism if this quiet soul ever pulls off a sensational act. The only relief I can find is from the fact that this guys is hardly interested in english movies and there is a very rare chance that he has seen the movie. Well, I cannot say more about it as I am still on my toes to jump off my seat. Whoaaa!!!! what a thrill, coming to office these days has become!!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
I can write, well, anyone can write. I realized this quite late in my life. I picked up the pen when I couldn't carry the burden of unspoken words. Since then, I have felt elated on each word I have penned. I have cried, laughed, got angry, whined and felt disappointed over various write-up that I have tried over the period.
I have written about friends, work, country, society, issues, animals, movies and sports. I have also dedicated someone else's poem to my mother and also written a few incidents about my grandparents. However, I have missed to dedicate a few lines to the person who holds a very special place in my life. He was the first person who gave me the inspiration to write. His persona and his life has always impressed me. He has motivated me and still continues to do so whenever I find myself in the doldrums. He has carried me in his arms when I was a baby, he has hugged me when I tasted success and he has given me a shoulder to cry on, whenever I failed miserably.
He never asked me to be something, he has just asked me to be sincere in whatever I do. When I used to give excuse that the half yearly marks are not counted in the final exams and hence I have not done any crime by not scoring high marks. He used to say, you should make a habit of winning. To compete at any level is not bad even if it is half-yearly exams or unit tests. So, below lines are again whoozing out of my senses and all I can do is to write them down for the most loving person, I know:
I grasped your finger once and you had tears in your eyes,
I learnt to be happy from you and live the life king size.
so selfless was your love that you gave your wishes to fulfill mine,
My mind was muddled but you had faith that I will shine.
but you smiled at me and picked me up everytime.
I wish I had words to say more about you,
All I can say is Dad, I love you'.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Politicians and Diapers
On a more sincere note, it does reflect the stark reality that as the time passes by, the cause with which leaders enter into politics takes a backseat.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
एक पहेली बनता जाए, जितना सोचे ये मन।
कोई कहे सब मिथ्या है ये, छोड़ दे तू ये जीवन,
कोई कहे की राह पकड़ ले भौतिकता की, कर दे मूल्य तू अर्पण।
में क्या सोचु, में क्या चाहू, कोई ना पूछे मुझसे,
उत्तर की एक आशा में, आज में पुछु तुझसे।
आगे जाऊ, पीछे सोचु, ऐसी है ये उलझन,
पल पल बढती दुविधा में बीत रहा है जीवन।
अंत है न इस दुविधा का, जाने हर बच्चा बड़ा,
वक्त के एक नाजुक मोड़ पर, ऐसा है ये प्रश्न खड़ा।
ज्ञानी बोले, व्यर्थ भटक मत अपने पथ से, बढ़ता जा तू आगे,
सब कुछ है तेरे कदमो, क्यों पीछे को तू भागे।
अपने कर्मो में रमता जा तू, नित नए इतिहास बना,
अपनों के आशीष को लेकर, एक नई दुनिया बसा।
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Since my childhood, I have a great affinity to spend time with elder people. I like to listen to their experiences, their woes and their suggestions too. This makes me feel happy and I learn a lot from them. It would be very unfair if I do not pen down a few lines for these few great persons who helped me understand the world in a better way.
To start with, I was very attached to my grandfather, I used to call him Anna. I was very impressed with his lifestyle, his discipline and his immense knowledge on a wide array of subject. Be it the politics, the day to day events, religious scriptures or command over sanskrit, hindi or english language. He had answers for almost everything and I was proud to have a grandfather like him when most of my friends had grandfathers who were busy cursing their old age and considered the whole world as a very wrong place to live in.
I can dedicate a whole book of various anecdotes that I shared with my grandfather, a few memories are now hazy as he passed away well before I even entered an adoloscent age.
Another old fellow who took me under his tutelage was Mr. Manke or more affectionately known as Dada. At a mere age of 5, I used to sit with him for hours, listening to whatever he was reading in newspaper or both of us simply sat in the window gazing at the vehicles passing by. Dada always had something in his store to cheer me up. As he used to live next to our house, I never missed to visit him and ask for my daily dose of sugar bits. Years passed by and we moved to a new house leaving behind Dada and his family and to add to my misery, my grandfather also passed away. I had no such old friend to help me out with my problems. At that tender age also, I hardly had any materialistic wishes (apart from Raj Comics!!), my problems had more to do with, I am not enjoying this particular subject and I am so bad at maths that I always loose my rank over this one horrible subject.
Then, another reverent person came into my life and took over the baton from my Grandpa and Dada to guide me though those childhood years of ignorance and curiosity. Coincidentally, he was also affectionately known as Anna. As he noticed my reclusive nature and a constant battle to avoid the public, he advised me to visit him daily and voluntarily offered me his selfless friendship. He always had a funny way of cursing others. The people who faced his wrath ranged from Plumber to Politicians and the daily victims of his whims were his own children. However, under this ever flowing river of spite, a dormant volcanoe of love was awaiting to burst. I enjoyed his company for a long long time and even after we moved to a new place, he invited me to lunch quite a few times to his place.
Last I met him, 3 years ago when I visited his son's house in Indore. He had lost his hearing power and the vision was also completely blurred but still he recognized me and moved his hands to indicate that how I grew up from a small baby in front of his eyes. Well, a year ago, I heard the news that he passed away. Certainly, I never called him all these years but now as he is gone, I feel I lost a very important part of my life.
However, as we all know, life stops for none and it moves on. On my marriage, I got a call from DADA, well into his 80s, his voice still has that amorous touch. He blessed me and Sapna and asked us to pay a visit to Baroda where he is living these days. I wish, I can visit him sometime and sit with him on that window sill gazing at the vehicles again. Next day, we got a letter from him and his wife telling in detail, how they miss our family on this occassion. I do not have any words to explain the importance of these good old fellows in my life. All I can say to these lovely human beings is, Thank you for everything and I miss you alot my special friends!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Meant for feet only...
This friend of mine was not of my same age. No, he wasn't even close to my elder brother's or father's age. He was close to my Grandpa's age and after my grandpa passed away, he voluntarily offered me his friendship and I gladly accepted it.
I used to spend hours sitting at his lavish bed where all the paraphernalia required for his daily activities used to be neatly staked. It included, Sweets, Snacks, Tobacco, a religious book and hand held fan. Well, I can write another post on the bond that I shared with this good old fellow and how I missed him after we shifted to a new place.
So, he offered me his invaluable piece of wisdom and mocked at my thought of keeping this shoes away from dirt. I retorted saying, they are costly and are better than all of my classmates. He was bemused by the new lows my reasoning had reached. However, I took his advice and worn those shoes.
I still have that penchant for new shoes and have that longing to keep them clean. So, whenever I become too finicky about them, I remind myself of that old friend who said, however costly they may be, Shoes are meant for your feet only.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hard to deny this truth...
Bachche Man Ke Sachche
Saarii Jag Ke Aankh Ke Taare
Ye Vo nanhe Phuul Hain Jo
Bhagavaan Ko Lagate Pyaare
Khud Ruuthe, Khud Man Jaaye, Phir Hamajolii Ban Jaaye
Jhagadaa Jisake Saath Karen, Agale Hii Pal Phir Baat Karen
Inakii Kisii Se Bair nahiin, Inake Liye Koii Gair nahiin
Inakaa Bholaapan Milataa Hai, Sabako Baanh Pasaare
Bachche Man Ke Sachche
Insasaan Jab Tak Bachchaa Hai, Tab Tak Samajh Kaa Kachchaa Hai
Jyon Jyon Usakii Umar Badhe, Man Par Jhuuth Ka Mail ChaDhe
Krodh BaDhe, nafarat Ghere, Laalach Kii Aadat Ghere
Bachapan In Paapon Se Hatakar Apanii Umar Guzaare
Bachche Man Ke Sachche
Tan Komal Man Sundar
Hain Bachche Badon Se Behatar
Inamen Chhuut Aur Chhaat nahiin, Jhuuthii Jaat Aur Paat nahiin
Bhaashhaa Kii Taqaraar nahiin, Mazahab Kii Diivaar nahiin
Inakii nazaron Mein Ek Hain, Mandir Masjid Gurudvaare
Bachche Man Ke Sachche
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My name is Hunger....
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Honestly Polite
Oops I am so sorry! I was honestly apologetic as my elbow hit an old lady's head. She was asleep while my mannerless elbow hit her unaware head. Obviously her sleep was broken and now she was rubbing her head but still waved a friendly hand at me with such a benevolent smile that made my day. I smiled back and took my seat beside her.
Scene2: BMTC Bus, Bangalore
This old lady's gesture made me remember an year old even when I was travelling in a BMTC bus in Bangalore and stepped on a young man's foot.
I was honestly apologetic that time too (my trademark style, eh!), however the other person this time was in no mood to forgive me for my crime. I tried to pass a smile and said sorry again but he kept blabbering a few good words about my north indian heritage and his unfriendly words made me stay away from him for the rest of the journey.
Judging the whole society by a single incident is never fair and just. However, the treatment given by people of Hong Kong over the past 4 months has been so friendly and pleasant that I always missed in Bangalore.
Even if people of Hong Kong doesn't know English but they certainly do know their manners.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
देश प्रेम
जय हिंद और वंदे मातरम का नारा उसने हुंकारा।
भरी सभा में राष्ट्र गान का जब सबको आभास हुआ,
पढ़े लिखो की इस नगरी में , लोगो का अपमान हुआ।
उस सभा के ज्ञाता ने फ़िर इस बालक को समझाया,
और उसके बाल मन से बापू का जादू झदवया।
इन नाहक की बातो से किस का मतलब भरता है,
इस सिस्टम का हर पहिया बस पैसे से ही चलता है।
तुम भी बहती गंगा में अपना गमछा साफ़ करो,
कुछ और न बन सके तुमसे तो भारत का निर्माण करो।
बालक बोला अध्यापक से, तुम तो कुछ उल्टा पाठ पढ़ाआते हो,
अब से शिक्षा लूँगा उनसे, जो काम की बात बताते हो।
भारत माता की रक्षा पर तुमने व्यर्थ ही ज्ञान दिया,
और अपनी बातो से मेरा वक्त बरबाद किया।
बढ़ना है मुझको आगे, अपने सपने पूरे करने है,
रास्ता चाहे जो भी हो, मुझे हासिल लक्ष्य सभी करने है।
इस तरह बालक की दुविधा का अंत हुआ,
शामिल हुआ वो भीड़ में और नैतिकता का ध्वंस हुआ।
... सिद्धार्थ
One Crazy Night
Thursday, May 28, 2009
भौतिक विक्षिप्तता
नही किंचित ही विचलित वो, कहे ख़ुद को फ़िर भी सभ्य वो।
जंगल के असभ्य भूके शेर, कभी नही करते अपनों से बैर,
वो भी इतना अन्तर जानते है, अपनों की कीमत पहचानते है।
कुछ लोग नित नए खेल रचते है, माँ-बाप को ही वो ठगते है,
विश्वास की क्या बात करे, जब लेकर खंजर वो चलते है।
वो भी इंसानों जैसे दीखते है, हमारे अपनों में ही मिलते है।
मिलते है और खो जाते है, वो एकदम आम हो जाते है।
फ़िर वक्त बदलते आते है और कोहराम मचाते है,
कोई बच्चो बुधो का मान नही, कोई औरत का सम्मान नही,
उन्हें किसी मज़हब का ज्ञान नही, किसी नैतिकता का धयन नही।
ऐसे ही कुछ दानव , हम सबके भीतर पलते है,
दिन में वो सो जाते है और रात निकलते चलते है।
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
भारत के विकास की आस हमे दिलाते है।
भोली जनता, समझे सब पर बेबस ही रह जाती है,
अपने मत का प्रयोग कर, ताकत पर इठलाती है।
जनता को नही चाह उन सतरंगी सपनो की, जो नेता उसे दिखलाते है,
चिंता है उसको भूखे बच्चो की जो रोटी को चिलाते है।
किसान कहे बीजली मुझसे नज़रें क्यों चुराती है,
और मेरे सूखी किस्मत में, आने से डर जाती है।
इस धरा का यह बेटा, अपनी मेंहनत से सोना उगाता है,
और कर्जे के बोझ से मारा, भूखा ही सो जाता है।
नेता बोले सभी योजनाये अब हमारे टेबल पर है,
और देश की इकोनोमी एकदम टॉप क्लास लेवल पर है,
खुश होकर, में चिलाया, नेताजी तो भगवान् है,
तेरे मेरे, हम सब की नैया के खेवनहार है।
सपना टूटा, टूट गया दिल, जब हमने यथार्त में ख़ुद को पाया,
मेरी इक शंका को, नेता के चमचो ने बड़े प्यार से बहलाया।
चमचे बोले , तुम व्यर्थ में क्यों चिलाते हो,
नेता जी तो बाहुबली है, तुम क्यों अपना खून जलाते हो।
हमने मौके को भापते हुए, अपना मुह बंद किया,
और पड़े जो दो चार जूते, तो ख़ुद को समझो धन्य किया।
इस नेता की खातिरदारी से हमने ये महसूस किया,
की चलता है तो चलने दो कहने का समय अभी चला गया।
इस रोष को सींच कर, वृक्ष हम बना देंगे, दिवार पर लिखी लिखाई को धता हम बता देंगे,
बढेगा ये देश, इसमे कोई दो राय नही, नेताजी को पॉलिटिक्स का मतलब हम सिखा देंगे।
.... सिद्धार्थ
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
परीक्षा परिणाम
तो ऐसे ही समय में हमने हाई स्कूल की परीक्षा पास करने की चेष्टा की। तब परीक्षा परिणाम हमारे शहर के एक शासकीय कार्यालय में घोषित हुआ करता था और इन्टरनेट नामक क्रान्ति अभी तक हमारे देश और प्रदेश को छूकर नही गुजरी थी।
जो लिस्ट उत्तीर्ण परीक्षार्थियों का नाम लिए होती थी, वो चंद खुशनसीब आंखों के अलावा कोई और नही देख पाता था और उसी लिस्ट की प्रतिलीपिया कुछ बिचोलियों के पास उपलब्ध रहती थी। प्रति परिणाम ५ रुपये। एक जगह हमे प्रथम श्रेणी में बताया गया तो दूसरी जगह हमारा रोल नम्बर नदारद बताया गया। हमारे पूरे कुनबे के हितेषी लोग बड़ी आशा लिए सभी जगह हमारा रोल नम्बर ढूंढ रहे थे। काफी दौड़ धुप के बाद जब सब आश्वस्त हो गए की हम वाकई उत्तीर्ण हो चुके है, तब सभी रिश्तेदारों ने हमे खुश होने का अवसर प्रदान किया।
आज जब कंप्यूटर पर एक क्लिक करके, परीक्षार्थी के भविष्य का फ़ैसला हो जाता है, हमे अपने परिणाम को जानने के लिए की गई जद्दो जहद याद आ जाती है।
Monday, May 18, 2009
शादी का प्रमाण पत्र
शादी तो सभी करते है, कुछ नही करते तो उनके अपने कारण होते होंगे। हमने तो की और बहुत धूम धाम से की। बैंड बाजा, खूप सारे बाराती और हर वो रस्म जो एक महाराष्ट्रियन शादी में होती है और ना सिर्फ़ महाराष्ट्रियन बाकि कई उत्तर भारतीय रस्मे भी शादी में सम्मिलित कर ली, सोचा क्यों कोई कसर रखी जाए भगवान् को खुश करने में।
अब अमूमन लोग शादी के पश्चात् घुमने जाते है, कुछ सभ्य एवं शर्मीले लोग इसे सिर्फ़ घूमना फिरना कहते है, कुछ पाश्चात्य तौर तरीकों में विश्वास रखने वाले धड़ल्ले से पूछते है की हनीमून कहाँ जहा रहे हो। तो साहब, हमे हनीमून से ज़रूरी एक काम की चिंता सता रही थी और वो थी शादी का प्रमाण पत्र बनवाने की। हमने जब पूछा की इसकी क्या अव्शयाकता है तो लोगो ने हमारी अज्ञानता पर अफ़सोस जताते हुए समझाया की आपकी शादी हुई है, ये हमे पता है, आपको पता है और उस पंडित को पता है, सरकार को क्या पता। हमे बात में दम दिखा तो हमने भी अपना पूरा दाम (जी हाँ दाम) इस प्रमाण पत्र को हासिल करने में लगा दिया।
सरकारी दफ्तर में घुसते ही, हमने लपक के बाबु से अंग्रेजी में पूछा , फ्रॉम वेयर आइ कैन गेट दा ऍप्लिकेशन फॉर्म? बाबु ने हमे अचम्भे से देखा और बिना कुछ बोले एक लिस्ट पकड़ा दी। लिस्ट में तमाम तरह के कागजात मांगे गए थे। certificate चाहिए तो ये सब लेके आइये। हम लपक के गए और पलक झपकते ही नही आ पाए क्युकी हमे वो सब कागज़ बनवाने में ४ घंटे लग गए। जब हम विजयी मुद्रा में बाबु के सामने लौटे और उसे सामने सभी कागज़ प्रस्तुत किए तो उसने कुटिल मुस्कान बिखेरते हुए एक बेंच की और इशारा किया और कहा बैठो अभी।
हमे लगा की बाबु हमारी पसीने से तर बतर काया को देख कर कुछ शीतल पेय पिलाना चाहते है। हमने सोचा की हम कहे की अब क्यों बैठे, अब तो बस हम certificate लेंगे और घर जायेंगे, लेकिन उनकी आँखों के इशारों के आगे हम और हमारी धर्मपत्नी कुछ न कह सके और चुपचाप बेंच पर बैठ गए।
जब आधे घंटे तक बाबु एक रजिस्टर में बिना किस्सी हाव भाव के घूरते रहे तो हमने सोचा उन्हें अपनी उपस्तिथि फ़िर याद दिलाई जाए। इस बार उन्होंने हमसे हस्ताक्षर मांग लिए और हमने सोचा की अब तो काम हुआ ही समझो। ख़ुद को भाग्यशाली समझते हुए हमने अपने बेहतरीन हस्ताक्षर कर दिए , हमारी धर्मपत्नी भी मुस्कुराते हुए हस्ताक्षर किए जा रही थी।
जैसे ही सारी ओप्चारिक्ताये पूरी हो गई, हमे दो टूक जवाब मिला की हफ्ते भर बाद आना। हमने कुछ होल हुज्जत करने की सोच उत्पन्न की लेकिन तभी एक और विवाहित जोड़ा दफ्तर में घुसा और बाबु से बोला की अब तो एक महिना हो गया , अब तो हमे certificate दे दीजिये। बाबु ने कहा की बड़े साहब शहर से बाहर गए है, हफ्ते भर बाद आइयेगा। अब हम माजरा समझ रहे थे और मन ही मन अपनी भोली धारणाओं पर हस रहे थे। हमने जेब से ५०० रुपये के दो नोट निकाले और बाबु को धीरे से टिका दिए। बाबु ने पहले तो हमे एक अपराधी की तरह संबोधित किया और अपने रहस्यमयी रजिस्टर में आँखें गदा दी, हम सहम गए, सरकारी तंत्र में इस जादुई मन्त्र का प्रयोग असफल होते देख, हमारी रही सही उम्मीद भी धूमिल होती जा रही थी की तभी हमने वो अजूबा देखा जिसकी हम कल्पना मात्र से चहक उठे।
उस असामाजिक चेहरे पर अचानक से मनुष्यता झलकने लगी और एक प्यारी सी मुस्कराहट से सरकारी दफ्तर का वो बाबु , साक्षात् परमात्मा की शक्ति लिए हुए प्रतीत हुआ।
उसने हमे और आस्तिक बन्ने की प्रेरणा देते हुए, दक्षिणा में बढोतरी की मांग की और जब हमने वक्त की अहमियत को समझाते हुए अपने आदर्शो और बटुए के साथ बेवफाई की , तो बाबु ने झट से मोहर लगा दी और फाइल बड़े साहब के लिए बढ़ा दी। उसने हमे आश्वस्त भी किया की कल आइये और अपना certificate ले जाइए। अगले दिन जब हम सर्तिफिकाते लेने पहुचे तो वो मुस्कान तो गायब थी लेकिन सामने एक और विवाहित दंपत्ति अपने प्रमाण पत्र को पाने की असफल कोशिश करते नज़र आई। खैर, इस बेईमानी से भरे कार्यालय ने हमारा काम बड़ी इमानदारी से करवाया और हमे मुद्रा की माया से अवगत करवाया।
हमारे समाज की ऐसी कई घटनाएं हमे ये सोचने पर मजबूर करती है की हम बचपन से जिस नैतिकता का पाठ पढ़ते और पढाते है , अपने इन्ही आदर्शो को हम बिना हिचकिचाए हुए अपने स्वार्थ के हवन में स्वाहा कर देते है।
कभी वक्त, कभी मजबूरी और कभी बिना किसी कारण के हम इस बुराई का हिस्सा बन जाते है।
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Great Indian Laughter Show
Laughter is the best medicine, a proverb so true that it has forced political maharajs to plays as clowns. Still, don't get it? Let me see if I can give you a real life example. Oh, there are plenty. So, let's begun our journey of laughter.
Event1: King of kings, Lalu ji saying, our doors are open for left and for congress and for everybody else except whose underwear isn't adorned with Saffron laces.
Left mocks at this proposition and says, we don't want these doors or windows and we pity on the mess in which Laluji is floundering.
Event2: Amar Singh ji tries to climb the everst, errr sorry the stage of a political rally and does a somersault kind of thing to show, how fit he is to lead the country.
I pity the eccentric minds of media, who projected this is "Amar Singhji Ludak Gaye". Can we not show some respect to the feelings of the Amarsingh ji as his sole intention was to cheer up the mood of the public.
However, it's a different case that he has done this more than once in this election and public may find it monotonous and may ask him to do some Bhangra or Break dance next time. Who knows, he might be a champion at that too (Considering his close association with Bade Bhaiya!!)
Event3: I hate to mention these events but to ignore them will be an atrocious act on the hardwork done by the new upcoming clan who proudly call themselves as "Shoe Slingers", the watershed event which happened to take place in a press conference at a remote place in Iraq, has inspired many a people to throw shoes, never mind if the person on the podium is as clean as Mr. Chidambaram (PC). However, People affected by these shoes range from Mr. PC to Mr. LK.
There was a tough competition for the first prize of "Best Shoe Slinger", and the award goes to the unknown person, who hit the "Jumping Jack" because he was the only one who had hit the stumps (sorry IPL hazards, read face) directly.
A confused yet intelligent Sardarji who threw the shoe at a wrong press conference comes runner up. It's not his fault if no one told him where to throw, he simply chose it by a lucky draw.
Event4: A rather neglected event happened in my hometown Gwalior (Read Gabaliar/ Gawaliar), where a infuriated Yashodhra Raje chided the innocent yet belligerent public who dared to show the hostility by gossiping while Yashodhra was speaking about the plans, she has for Gwalior's development.
I doubt the veracity of her origin, as a gwaliorite she should have known that when people of Gwalior ignore you, it means they love you and consider as a one amongst themselves.
However, the episode ended on a sad note when he shouted, "Mein apke bhale ki baat kar rahi hu, aur aap ko sunna hi nahi hai".
So many events and so much of laughter. However, the gem of the events was the last one
Event5: Congress Says: Left parties have ruined West Bengal and we are against them in WB but we will form an alliance with them at centre.
BJP Says: We will form a Non-Congress and Non-Left Government.
Left Says: We will form a Non-BJP and a Non-Congress Government.Sorry, we also say that No Government can be formed without left's support.
Well, Obviously the visual sense are more closer to the laughter juices of the body to tickle them up but considering the limitations, this is the best I could come up with....
May the funniest person win (oops, I made a blunder!!)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Which Side You Belong To?
Few days ago, I got one such opportunity on which I jumped in such a ugly and uncivilized way that even few of our politicians would have thought of some decency. However, the initial euphoria of retrying my old devil tricks was shortlived. It's not that I didn't succeed in creating a debate but in relation to my previous debates, I left this one with much disappointed look on my face and a heart full of shame.
The major difference that I forgot to notice was the subject of the discussion. Very few people actually know that being emotionally involved with one side of the debate is the biggest crime a speaker can commit. If you want to enjoy a debate, always be reasonable and by being passionate, you will only harm your chances of fairing better in the battlefield. So, the topic was "Slumdog Millionaire" and as usual, I started criticizing the movie. Till this point, I was neither a jingoist or a chauvinst who just stand on the roof top and give air to his troubled ideas. Somewhere, between the debate I realized that I got passionate and started to blabber a few things related to topic.
I said to myself, oh come on, whom I am kidding, the movie is a glaring reality. Behind all the scenes of growing prosperity, citizens of my country still stand in line for a water tanker. For each penny, I spend on luxury, a indignant faces stares at me.
I have never belonged to any side in any debate (Giving arguments in favor of one side is a different thing) but this time, I think I would love to switch sides and do something meaningful than just arguing.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
For you Maa...
बेसन की सोंधी रोटी पर,
खट्टी चटनी जैसी माँ।
याद आती है चौका बासन,
चिमटा फुकनी जैसी माँ।
बांस की खुर्री खाट के ऊपर,
हर आहट पर कान धरे।
आधी सोयी आधी जागी,
थकी दुपहरी जैसी माँ।
चिडियों के चहकार में गूंजे,
राधा-मोहन अली अली।
मुर्गे की आवाज़ से खुलती,
घर की कुण्डी जैसी माँ।
बीवी, बेटी, बहिन, पडोसन,
थोडी थोडी सी सब में।
दिन भर एक रस्सी के उप्पर,
चलती नतनी जैसी माँ।
बाँट के अपना चेहरा, माथा,
आँखें जाने कहा गई।
फटे पुराने इक एल्बम में,
चंचल लड़की जैसी माँ।
Sunday, April 05, 2009
It's better to be a child
सभ्यता के इस आडम्बर में, चंचलता कहाँ गई।
मस्तिक्ष के इस जाल में, कई कई विचित्रता।
हर कहीं विवशता और हर कहीं अशक्तता।
किंतु परन्तु के चक्रव्यूह में, कई कई प्रश्न है।
परस्तिथि की धुरी पर घूमता ये विश्व है।
अंतर्मन के द्वंद में जीतता क्यों कंस है।
कृष्ण की आराधना में लीन फ़िर भी भक्त है।
विश्वास को लिए हुए, निर्भय निडर ये रक्त है।
विज्ञान से अज्ञान हो चंचल मद मस्त है।
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Coming from slums
In a striking contrast to my otherwise placid nature of taking the things lightly, I confronted him upfront and asked a reason for being so sympathetic towards my nation. He was particularly bothered about the 'Oil-Pouring' scene where the children are made handicap to earn money for their masters. Though, I admitted that it was an ugly truth but I had to also acknowledge the progress India has made and how the quality of life has improved over the years. I plainly told him that such things are under scanner these days and as media and government authorities are a lot more stringent these days.
So, this incident forced me to write something on this movie. The movie was surely made in a negative spirit. I am not saying that the things shown in the movie are totally false and came out of no where. But take a look at below points and then think, is our society really that bad??
1. It is in the slums that a child's running nose is wiped by his neighbors and with love, they reprimand him for playing all day.
2. It is in the slums that one can decide the menu of his dinner based on the suggestions of the "Pados wali Aunty'.
3. It is in the slums that no morning goes without a general chitchat about general problems like water or light or blah blah blah
4. It is in the slums that the entire community have common problems and they look for a collective solution.
5. It is in the slums that people irrespective of their religion drink water from the same handpump.
6. Its in the general compartment of the train, where people give their suggestions on politics, their respective careers and dont feel ashamed of disturbing the privacy of each other.
7. There may be forced prostitution in India ( which is bad) but what about the west where a school going gal earns 4000 pounds per month out of the same filth, she had no compulsions but thats her freedom.
8. The oil pouring scene is real touchy ( I almost had goosebumps) . However, watch American Gangster and what was done there was as henious as this crime. Distributing the Maijuana to the young generation is equally abhorable but they havent shown it with a feeling of guilt.
9. Media shows the hooligans beat some public in pub. I appreciate media for bringing it to notice and they should be punished. But why media never shows, the Saraswati Shishu Mandir that RSS is running across India. In villages, where convents go and do force conversions, Saraswati Shishu Mandirs ask ppl to follow their original religion and shoudl focus on education for their betterment.
10. Why Media never shown the images of RSS workers picking the charred bodies when planes collided in Charkhi Daadri and no NGO and govt body was there for quite sometime.
11. Why Media never shows the women upliftment programs, these NGOs are running. They have done so much for the intellectual and economic upliftment of the society but Media is bothered about a few outspoken persons (like Muthalik, Togadiya and others). To book Varun Gandi under NSA is again a sign of where we are heading. Why not book Gilani for his demand of applying Islamic Rule and castigating the concept of democracy itself or Imam of Jama Masjid under NSA when he refused to pray for Kargil Soldiers. Nobody dared to cover that statement and ask for his apology because we are SECULAR.
I am not saying that things shown in Slum dog are false, they are a glaring reality but we dont need a brit to create sympathy in the hearts of the others. This movie has aimed at creating a feeling of pity for India which is not any proud citizen would be pleased with .
So, this movie is just a hype created by Media and doesn't potray the problems or even the spirit of India in a positive spirit. Indian cinema has seen many a masterpieces like Salam Bombay , Dharavi, Ardh Satya and Mother India which has portrayed similar problems in our society.
At the ending note, I remember 'Robert David Gregory's statement' from his book 'Shantaram'- Try stuffing thrice as many people in a country like France and they will fight till the last drop of blood is there but one can't imagine Indians doing that to each other, who feel guilty even if their feet touches yours by fault and ask for the forgiveness from the almighty. So, this movie is nothing classic apart from a few technicalities like Editing. you call Jai Ho as a Masterpiece, I would anyday prefer to listen to Rehman's other songs than Jai Ho...
Seriously, JAI HO
Friday, March 27, 2009
Haath ko Aaya, Muh na laga
Suddenly my phone rings, its my mom. She tells me that someone from my colony is visiting Hongkong. So, do you want something? Normally I say No to all these things. It's not that I don't like sweets or home made snacks. It's because I am alone here these days and a loner can't eat so much and the amorous feelings that are being shipped by loved ones goes down in the dustbin, which I do not like.
However, this time I said ok and asked them to send some sweets and some new clothes as well.
I usually have this knack of getting overly excited about any such thing and then when it doesn't turn out well, I feel sad.
So, this friend from my neighbourhood didn't even called me once to collect the packet. I kept waiting for his call and after 3 or 4 days, my parents told me that he has came back and didn't find any time to deliver the packet. No need to say, I was a bit angry and disappointed at the careless attitude shown by my friend. However, I consoled myself and allowed me a treat of Rochers in place of "Boondi ke Ladoo". Haath ko Aaaya but Munh naa laga.
Friday, March 20, 2009
"You're still in bed at ten, the work began at eight.
You've burned your breakfast, so far, things are going great.
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees."
I would say Ohhh Myyyy Gaaaad obviously mimicking the nasal touch of "I Hate Most" Jenice. I mean how these four lines have painted the true picture of life without even using a single stroke of philosophy. In the past 1 month, I started watching this TV series, I still wonder why I haven't watched it in my college or during the 5 years of my professional life. It has always been there with me. Many of my friends suggested me that I should join them as they used to discuss about it all the time but I never watched a single episode of it.
I think I didn't watched it previously as I was in my own central perk kind of place all these years, surrounded by my circle of trust. People like Chandler, Joey, Monica and Ross were surely there if not Phoebes or Rachel.
God doesn't give you a chance to choose your relatives as he thinks its his main job but he makes up with you by giving a chance to choose your friends. So, you choose friends who laugh with you and sometimes laugh at you, who not only listen to your woes but also understands them, they don't promise to solve your problems as they have their own conundrums in life bu

So, when I moved out of my cocoon and left all my friends behind, I started watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and while all my friends must have been busy with lives and grappling to come as winners in their respective areas, I just prefer to sit by my window and hum the lines
"That, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too."
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
ये शहर, वो शहर
हाथ में थैला और दिल में कुछ अजीब सी अनछुई और अल्हड सी यादें।
हर मन्दिर, हर दरगाह मुडमुड कर देखता हुआ,
याद करता जा रहा था, हर वो पल बिताया हुआ।
कहीं से कोई आवाज़ देकर रोक लेता तो अच्छा लगता,
कभी में किस्सी को हाथ दिखाकर बुला लेता तो अच्छा लगता।
यहाँ सब मुझे जानते है, मेरी आवाज़, मेरी हस्ती को पहचानते हैं,
उनसे बतियाते हुए मैं कभी नही थकता, उन अपनों की चिंता करना बिल्कुल नही अखरता, मिलता जाता हु सबसे हंसकर, सोचता हु की कही और कोई मेरी इतना चिंता क्यूँ नही करता।
जिस दफ्तर मैं अपना सारा दिन बिताता हु, वह कोई मुझे नही जानता,
इतने सालो के बाद भी, बिना आई-कार्ड के नही पहचानता।
सुबह लेट पहुंचू ऑफिस तो कोई खैरियत नही पूछता।
पूछते है तो सिर्फ़ ये की लेट क्यों हुआ और कल का काम अब तक क्यों नही हुआ।
रात मैं घर लौटते वक्त रास्ते मैं कोई मन्दिर क्यों नही पड़ता,
मेरे बचपन के शहर की तरह, यहाँ सुबह सुबह कोई नमाज़ क्यों नही पढता।
इस शहर में हर बरस मेला क्यों नही लगता,
और छोटी सी बात पर आपस में कोई क्यों नही झगड़ता।
इस अनजान शहर में अपनेपन के अलावा कोई कमी नही है,
पर मेरे पुराने शहर की लाख कमियों में भी एक अनपढ़ सी खुशी क्यों है।
कल ये नया रंगीन शहर, रोजाना की तरह अपने बेरंग दिन को झेलेगा,
और वहा मेरे बचपन का शहर रंगों से खुल कर खेलेगा।
Saturday, March 07, 2009
HongKong.. First Take
Though, I used to devour the chinese food but I never realised the chinese food available in India is Not Chinese at all, it is so well customised to meet the user requirements of indian taste buds that it looses even a vague resemblance to its very word 'Chinese'.
So, once I landed, I easily reached my Hotel as the commutation is hardly a botheration here with well connected MTR and bus routes. Even if I dislike, I had to admit the fact and give due acknowledgement to the scenic beauty that this city offers. From the 26th floor of my hotel room, I can see Harbour very clearly with all the ships racing towards their destinations and the picturesuqe mountains make it even more enthralling.
Hoping to have a nice time here once my better half joins me. Till then, I have to keep counting days and keep watching movies. Thats all for now...